Changes from last game

Here are the starting differences from the last game: 

  • Transitioned from regular blueprints to PaperZD classes for characters.
  • Did the same for the dialogue actor NPC blueprints. 
  • Lives update to 0 instead of 1 for last life. 
  • Jump height from 750 to 650.
  • Save system: Saves are called in items but also as events in the player. They can be called in UI and elsewhere. 
  • Removed NLevel array as the level unlock array can be used instead
  • Added Health as a saved value across the game
  • Dash delay - 1.5 seconds currently. 
  • Added axe damage as a saved value across the game
  • Locations are now saved depending on level - if you save midway through level 1, go to level 2 through level select, your location will be the same in level 1 when you return. 
  • Implemented shop - You can purchase upgrades for the player through the shop UI (not present in demo)
  • You can now melee in air - single attack when combo attack unlocked. 
  • Real door that opens up and colour of door also changes based on which key is required
  • Respawn anim with better logic
  • Slide anim and ability
  • Two buttons at once - Dash Attack (not present in demo)
  • Flying enemies now move around
  • Enemy spawners - spawn enemies in in air and on ground.
  • Enemy spawners have gravestones (swords and bones) on floor. 
  • Enemies can’t see you/attack you through walls anymore - previously box/line trace detected you and could hit you through wall, but this wasn’t seen because line traces were generally 100 on x. Now with advanced enemies/different lengths, became apparent so fixed it. I’ve done this by using “line trace by channel” and then visibility, but that means making sure items collisions do not block visibility channel.
  • New health items - work off ⅓, ⅔, full health. Three different sprites for each one. 
  • Removed sprint action.
  • Levels now have slanted architecture, corners etc. Also look better. 
  • Changed Cora collision(in master player)  to custom and overlap visibility. That lets visibility trace hit when not behind walls. 
  • Speed of attack anim for Cora’s basic attack is now 17.5 frames per second instead of 15. 
  • Combo attack is sped up from 15 to 17.5 as well.
  • Ground melee attack disables input during, meaning it doesn’t look weird as you move and attack, you have to attack in place, making it look better. 
  • Cora’s melee attack range is 175. Was too short before. Now is length of the sword.
  • Also her line trace is now, you guessed it, checked by a line trace by channel instead of objects - she can no longer hit through walls.. 
  • Removed jump damage for almost all enemies
  • Ranged enemies always face player
  • Enemies will no longer overlap each other and/or items
  • New enemy - moves to you, on contact damages you until it is killed. Enemy is invisible on spawn - when player overlaps, smoke effect plays and then boom, enemy moves towards you. 
  • Fixed their sprites (were previously a pickup) as these enemies' sprites were extracted wrong, so did everything okay and then added animations, such as spawn, moving and death. 
  • Enemy attack speed is quicker - rather than delay at beginning, they attack almost immediately, but still not fast enough for player to struggle hitting first. 
  • Adjusted enemy capsules (mushrooms as example) to fit properly
  • Crates that break on contact and can spawn selected actors 
  • Cora has a thud effect whenever line trace connects, so with objects, enemies, etc. 
  • Bigger spikes have blood on them. 
  • Bigger spikes immediately KO players. 
  • When you get an upgrade, it saves the player location to said upgrade. 
  • Start with five health and three lives this time around as well as much limited ammo. 
  • Slide and Dash Attack Unlocks
  • Made it so player can manually save instead of upgrades automatically saving.
  • Upgrades can not be abused. If you pick up one, it will never work again - it will just do nothing (to prevent farming)(in demo they don't save). 
  • New wall slide check - stops the player sliding off things that are blockall.
  • Orthographic camera is now 2400 instead of 1800. Fits in with enemies that spawn. 
  • Coyote Time for jumping implemented (currently not in)
  • Jump buffer implemented - jumping now feels a lot better, more responsive. ← (breaks wall jump so currently not in).
  • Splash screen which fades in.
  • Main menu fades in. 
  • Enemies have different health bar code - much more advanced, with animations when they spawn (optional), when they take damage and also number values of their health. Will be colour coded in future for different enemy types.

Get Cora's Legacy - V.01

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